Online Museum of "My" Favorite Arts

What's on

Podcast | Art Buffet

Co-produced with Cherelle A., Art Buffet is a multilingual podcast dedicated to deliver critical and decentralised conversations on international contemporary art.

Listen on Spotify / Apple Podcasts

Instagram | Museum_RIP

A collection of reminiscence.

Event | INFP Breakfast Club

Cooperated with Kegu W., INFP Breakfast Club is an ongoing community building platform to enable people who identified themselves as INFP (one of the MBTI personalities), as well as HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), to network with each other, make friends and alliance with like-minded people, to harvest community, belongingness, happiness and creativity.

Interview | Exit Program

An individual "ethnographic fieldwork" aiming to discover how people in mainland China define, interpret, narrate, imagine their own life. Co-produced with Inma F., we interviewed 14 subjects in total, with audio documentary and a focus on personal mental health.

Breathe the eternal beauty and tranquility.

A psychedelic, brainwashing world.

Feelings that can't last forever.

Melancholy and Curiosity.


At OMMFA, we build soul-touching creative connections with people from diverse backgrounds.

OMMFA is also a place to document the latest art-related projects of (Lillian / Clementine) Yuyan L.